Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Task Based Tutoring

Task Based TutoringWhat is task based tutoring? It is a type of teacher training program which has evolved out of the more traditional approach to teacher training, which can be described as a combination of classroom instruction and classroom management.One traditional student training program for teachers, which was popularly used at one time, has now been superseded by the more technologically advanced more purposeful approach to teacher training programs. While the latter takes in information in different forms, and in multiple formats, task based tutoring focuses on information in one, very important form. Information is the key to learning, and students are more likely to learn when their learning is reinforced by information. That is why task based teacher training works so well.What is task based tutoring is a study in content. It teaches students how to understand, think, reason, and express ideas in English. Students who have tried the traditional curriculum approach to tea cher training have always wanted to find a way to understand and apply the ideas that they were being taught in class, and this is precisely what is offered by the task-based teacher training approach.What is task based tutoring is often described as a system of teaching, with the students being the learners. The students are taught their own learning style, as well as the skills they will need in order to succeed.Much information is taught at once. At first, students may not have a clue about how to think, but with more experience, their ability to reason and analyze will increase. They are also taught how to communicate their thoughts, but there is no question that it is their own understanding of the ideas being taught that is ultimately the most important component. This approach makes clear that what the student understands the most is what is of utmost importance.Reading is of course the most essential skill. The students must master the art of comprehension, and through learn ing how to read, they are also taught how to read fluently. They are also taught how to build and manage creative writing skills, which is an important part of the emerging academic curriculum.What is task-based teaching is a method of learning that helps students use their own reasoning and language to make meaning of the information being taught. Students are taught to think for themselves, to analyze the information that they are presented with and to construct a sensible argument to support their arguments. What is task-based teaching, teaches students to learn rather than to be taught.

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